IE 7 BETA 2 - Isn't it done yet?
Well, it seems Microsoft has finally entered Beta 2 for Internet Explorer. Of course that just means they are done and taking the time to let us see what bugs it will have before we install it for "real".
I have to admit that I do like the changes but that is probably more because I already like FireFox and Opera and all the new features are mirrors of what has been done already. I do like the Quick Tab view which shows a thumbnail of all webpages you have open - very slick.
Say what you will, but they do still have over 80% of the browser market.
I have to admit that I do like the changes but that is probably more because I already like FireFox and Opera and all the new features are mirrors of what has been done already. I do like the Quick Tab view which shows a thumbnail of all webpages you have open - very slick.
Say what you will, but they do still have over 80% of the browser market.