"Live" Visual Studio?!?
My first response? WTF (as my new friend joe says - what the fudge)!
First there is going to be a "Live" version of Office, as if it wasn't slow enough already... but now they are talking about a "Live" version of VS. I can tell you why it won't work:
Uh, what?!? That's is exactly what my company, or even I would want as an independent consultant. To put my content on THEIR servers. No thanks.
First there is going to be a "Live" version of Office, as if it wasn't slow enough already... but now they are talking about a "Live" version of VS. I can tell you why it won't work:
Live software taps into a growing trend for software to be delivered online, with relevant data and content held on back-end servers.
Uh, what?!? That's is exactly what my company, or even I would want as an independent consultant. To put my content on THEIR servers. No thanks.